
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Re-visit, Re-invent, Re-try

Here is my drawing for this week's "Redux, Remix, Revisit" challenge.
I chose a pattern that I'm very comfortable with, and "remixed" it in two ways.
The first was the depth of the basic shape, which creates a completely different "feel" to it.
The second was the use of colored pencils - a first for me.

I like the end result a lot. The richness of the colored pencil surprised me - I was under the impression they produce dull and "dry" effect. I found that I can produce a very interesting matte feel, blend colors and create shading. A very pleasant surprise, and a n interesting inspiration for drawings to come :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

An Ancient duo - Diva challenge #172

This one was hard... Two patterns that are outside my comfort, and that I tried several time in the past to befriend, but to no avail.

This time I didn't give up. I really wanted to merge the two in a natural way, and went ahead to explore it. In the process, several gems appeared. But the "magic duo" took its time until it happened.

I like the end result as a step in the exploration.

 And after two days, and after looking at almost all the other submissions, new inspiration came :)
My usual habit is to read the challenge, and then go to the "drawing board" and start the exploration. Only after I feel I have something, and I show it to the world, I look at the other works.

If you look closely, you can trace back the inspiration I got from many of the other drawings.
I just love when it happens.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

One Leg

Here is a doodle. Started like all doodle from a point, and then grew unexpectedly :)

Friday, June 6, 2014

A Hand - Diva challenge #170

I skipped last week's challenge due to some travel. Good to be back, and hopefully will manage to complete the previous one as well.

As for this week's challenge, the specific pattern proved not easy to get... Tried several directions until something came up

 As part of the experimentation, more things emerged. For example this one - and if you look closely, you will be able to see the pattern hiding in various places here as well ...